segunda-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2007

Good-bye day...

...and I'm not referring to dat song dat was on TV all the time a little while ago, "Good-bye days", by Yui. (lol)

Well... I guess dat's it. He's finally back! And I say finally cuz who knows him knows how much he wanted to go back. Well... The least we could do is give him a nice good-bye.

So we decided to start by not letting him carry all his stuff. We just find a little boy @ a corner and gave him some change for him to do this taks for us. Yeah, I didn't know we could do that in Japan too (it's not uncommon in Brazil though), but as all of U can see on the picture, we found one. (lol)

Man, don't even tell me abt dat... Later we had to listen to Marni complaining abt how tired he was! C'mon the luggage was on the car!!! U just had to pull't!!!

Well, guess he was already tired on the bus on the way to the airport after all... lol

We had lunch there, and took a walk through the deck...

Until this little boy finds this binocular and put money on it to check around the airport. "Crap, how can it B so small?!?" "Hey Ben, maybe U should have used dat one... Maybe this is for kids?" said Marni, pointing to the one next to it. Well... Maybe a little Texas sun will help ur brain, my dear friend. lol "@ least try to look @ some girl's panties" was my comment. "It's a binoculus, not an X-ray!!!" was what I got back... But it was kinda windy... lol

Basic picture on the departure gate... (I'm not in cuz somebody had to take the picure!)

And we litteraly (@ least I was) sending him back to Texas, US, the place he belong. Don't think we can say "the place he always belonged and should never had left", cuz I think it was a great experience and U my friend, will have some good memories for life! (Of course, we too!)

Well... Think I'm gonna watch another episode of One Piece... Without my friend here to tell me what's gonna happen on the next one this time. :- ) And as a last picture... It's not perfect as the cowboy flying to the sunset, but the sunset's there... And definetely, the cowboy too!!!

P.S.: C'mon dudes... Don't cry when U see this post... lol

2 comentários:

Unknown disse...

I'm already crying... snif

Ben disse...

Well, the only thing I will miss about Japan is y'all. I've finally returned (I just haven't had any sleep for about 28 hours...or a shower). It was a nice post anyways. I think I will do mine tomorrow. I'm glad we found a bag boy, because I don't think I could have carried my bags alone. Anyways, it's not like y'all really loose contact with me (I know your blog think you can get away from Texas that easily?). Well, I've got to go at the moment (I really need a shower). Adios