Eba! A galera resolveu fazer pastel!!! Tava com vontade, serviu pra matar as sdds um pco, rs. E tava booom, nham nahm!!!
Festa d brasileiro aki eh sempre garantia d mta risada!!! :-D
...pena q cabou a bateria da camera... rs, acho q vou ter q comprar uma nova msm, essa bateria jah era! rs
Processo de preparacaum... E Guitar Hero?!? kkk

Marcio, Cinthya, Raphael e Andre (E o Saulo no fundo jogando... rs)

Marcio, Myrria, Vanessa, Raphael e Cinthya
Um comentário:
So, you had a bunch of people over at your apartment and cooked. Wern't you suppose to write this stuff in Japanese or English so that I could understand? Again, I'm making up my own story about what happend there.
It's starts out with you calling up every new and old student from Brazil that you know and saying, "Hey everyone...Let's have a gay fest." Etc... it goes on and on like this.
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