domingo, 9 de março de 2008

Mr. Donut em Osu Kannon

Acho q ultimamente tenho frequentado mto esse lugar... rs

Osu Kannon, dia seguinte da festa d despedida da Carina... Mas o povo naum cansa d c reunir, rs.

Bom, gracas a minha frequencia aih, comi um donut d graca com os ptos acumulados no cartaum... Hum... Da prox. vez tento pegar uma caneca? rs

Anna, eu e Mieko

Mitio, Carina e Nobuyo

Carina e Nobuyo

Quase td mundo (afinal, alguem tinha q tirar a foto, neh Nobuyo... rs): Carina, Anna, eu, Mieko e Mitio

Um comentário:

Ben disse...

So, what's up? How is moving out of ya'lls apartment going? Did ya'll have to pay money for repairs? Where are you going to live now? I'm on spring break at the moment, but I don't think I will get to go to the Alamo like I planned. I bet if Chuck Norris were at the Alamo, the Mexican army would have given up without a fight and not only have given up Texas, but would have given us all of Mexico, the United State, Canada and part of South America (even though it wasn't theirs to give). Tell everyone I said hi. Adios