sexta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2008

NUPACE Bad Taste Party @ ECIS

Ok, I dunno if this is the name they really use for those kinda parties (in Portuguese I think I would call it "Festa Brega"), but the thing is dat U R supposed to wear a wierd combination of clothes, or wierd clothes, or Nthing dat seemed funny.

As I went straight from my lab and Japanese classes, I wasn't exactly prepared, so I just turn my jacket and cap over to look a little not-common... Of course not everybody was dressed up for the party, but I wanna @ least to try.

And here's my photo with the winner, Winnie from the U.S. (courtesy of Kinugawa-sensei) Yeah, I think she really deserved't, lol.
Funny thing dat last year's winner was a girl from the U.S. too... Maybe they really know how to dress awfuly? :-p

Winnie trying to hide from me behind Sakura (I bed she did something bad dat I don't remember... lol)

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