quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2008

SOLV Ski Trip 2008

Hey everybody!!! How's everyone doing?

Today I feel really broken... My legs still have some marks from the last 3 days!

Dat's cuz I went skiing with the students of Nagoya University School of Law! Yeah, I know, I'm from Information Science, but c'mon, gimme a break, ok? lol Besides, Saori-sensei (the one who started this trip almost 10 yrs ago) said she already consider me a SOLV (Students of Law Volunteers - a groups that helps international students @ Meidai) member @ the very end of the trip when we left the buses! :-p

Well, as last year, the trip was very fun! Even without the presence of some of last year's members (like Banban, Momicchi, Natsumi and so on) and Fausto and Vik, who decided not to go on the last minute (and made me call'em to confirm dat cuz apparently they didin't tell anyone - neither I knew! - and the organizers of the trip were worried abt'em) there were some new people and some students from last year (Tuan from Vietnam and Yocchan were again in my group, and Taka who was in my group last year was in my room this year).

Our instructor this time was Oda-sensei, but Iguchi-sensei, our last year's instructor was there 2. I think I imporved my skiing skills a lot, and I already felt confident enought to get some speed (as long as I still had control of the skies, of course...). On the last day, I met Iguchi-sensei by accident during the course, and told him to take a look on my improvement and he said "Satoshi, sugo~i!". lol, think it was Bcuz Oda-sensei told me to ski making a "kakkoii" pose on the last day, like closing the space between my feet and putting my arms a little up and holding on the stocks kinda like a "Superman" pose. The funny thing is dat when he showed me it during lunch and I tried 4 the 1st time, he said my arms were 2 stretched, and dat I look like a "タコ". I said dat I's like a タコ(octopus), cuz my nickname in Brazil was イカ(squeed), but then when he asked how to say タコ in English, we realized he was refeering to タコ as "kite", not "octopus"... lol

Nwyz, this year I didn't joined the nomikai @ nite cuz I wanna to rest, but the party was cool! We were asked to bring songs from our countries, and I brougt a CD of funk and other of forro (tks Flavinha, 4 recording it 4 me!). The dancing started with the Cambodians (as usual - they R very enthusiastic!), and then I tried to teach a little of the basics of forro to them. They seem to like't!!! We sang next to Nagae-chan playing the guitar 2... Singing "Konayuki" was very appropriated to the ocasion (we had -3 celsius and a quite annoying snow on the last day) and "Tada... Aitaku te" made me feel good. :-D Kobukuro's "Sakura" was very cool 2. I had the lyrics on my iPod.

Well, though I'm still tired, I feel very good after those 3 days! And I wann go nxt year again 4 sure!!! Tks senseis, SOLV members and everybody who joined this trip!!!

Me (Zoro's santouryuu pose) and Toky (Madagascar) in front of the hotel on the 1st day

Two of the most popular figures of the trip: Toky (the instructors just love her, lol) and the 4 year-old kid of a Mongolian family

Roppan (Group #6) incomplete: Trung (Vietnam), me, Tuan (Vietnam), Kuma-chan (Japan), Toky and our instructor Oda-sensei

Idiot's on the snow, by Murata and Kuma-chan. (Yeah, I know, unbelievable but I'm not there! lol)

During our free time, we played basketball, badminton and table tennis.

Roppan @ the party on Saturday nite: Yocchan (Japan), Toky, Tuan, Calibe (China - dunno if the spelling is rgt... her name's in katanaka), Dave (US), Kuma-chan, Trung, Hiroko (Japan), me and Oda-sensei.

小田先生のかっこいいポーズ?!?(笑)じゃなくて、竹中直人(たけなかなおと)from "Shall we ダンス" and "Catch a Wave". スッゲェ 似てるじゃん!!!

The whole group B4 getting on the bus back gathered for the traditional event's picture

Murata, me and Taka: bad boys (or three stoogies? lol) on the bus back to Nagoya

segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2008

Valentine's Day... Atrasado?!?

É... Quem quer... Tem q CORRER ATRÁS, NÉ?!? Uahahaha

Te falar, viu... Essas pss q ñ prestam atenção no q fazem... E depois fazem a gnt passar vergonha aki, e ainda botam a culpa na gnt!!! rs


sábado, 16 de fevereiro de 2008

Takoyaki na Fe

Eh TAKOyaki, naum eh IKAyaki!!! rs

Pois, eh fomos lah pro interior (Gifu-shi, casa da Fe, rs) saborear uma das mais tradicionais guloseimas niponicas! rs




Galera reunida em volta da mesa: Q', eu, Viteeenho, Buxex's, Bucho e Erika

Hum... Sobremesa!!! 久しぶりに食った!

Relaxando no quarto depois de comer pacas!!! rs

Sem coluna?!? rs, tinha q fazer algo estranho, neh... :-p


sexta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2008








segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2008

+ despedidas...

Esse foi um fds d despedidas.

Comecando na 6a. com a do Ale o ryou do Bucho. Saimos pra jantar num restaurante de comida japonesa lah perto, e depois passamos a noite juntos no quarto dele. Bucho, Ale, Fe, Juju e eu, com junk food, doces e DS, rs.

Depois d almocarmos lamen em Osu Kannon no dia seguinte, segui pra Okazaki pra encontrar a galera da ABEUNI pras despedidas do Kubo e do Yuki. Mas nem um nem outro vieram, o Kubo tinha ido pra Toquio e o idiota do Yuki naum tinha tirado o re-entry pra poder voltar pro Japaum. Espero q ele tenha conseguido pegar as coisas dele na Q' sem problemas, pelo menos no noticiario naum deu nd, rs.

As fotos do pss da ABEUNI no karaoke e na casa das Yamamotos: http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/celsosakuraba/080202DespedidaDoKuboEDoYuki